

1. What is your art school background and what is Art?
I graduated from MARA University of Technology and University of Malaya but I have not attended in any art school.
In Arts I am capable, I am self-taught. It's God given gift.
Art is not hard but Art is Heart. Art can inspire feelings, expressions and passion in others.
That's the intrinsic value of art. 
2. Who is your inspiration in the field of Abstract paintings?
A few, like late Dato’ Ibrahim Hussien  as a painter and as a person too.

3. What do you want to achieve from your art?
Sharing my ability and talent with others to enjoy. Besides being able to contribute to the society and those who in need through charity events or organizations. Apart from that, the feeling of achievement and freedom. In fact art is also for health, I mean healthy and happy life.

4. Which local artist or artists are you currently interested in ?
There are handfuls but I prefer not to mention it. What I can say here is that Malaysia has great and world acceptance artists. 

5. What shows have you been in current and past?
I have participated in few group shows for years locally but many were abroad. I also had several local private exhibitions for the VVIPs and corporate figures.

6. How long have you been painting ?
Over 23 years, but off and on. I paint while I was travelling from one place to another and most of the paintings in this gallery were painted in different cities. 

7. When did you realize that painting was important to you?
Years back, I realized painting could also generate substantial income and it elates me.

8. Do you feel that selling your work takes away from the integrity of your art?
No, I feel that someone out there do appreciates my paintings. My desire is to have it seen by others and to possess it too. 

9. What medium do you prefer when painting?
Acrylics — they are the modern equivalent of oils, and much, much less toxic and easier to work with. I mainly use palette knives, brushes and other unthinkable objects. 

10. How do your past and present experiences affect your paintings?
Most of my works were spontaneous but sometimes it
was somehow influenced by who I am and my exposures, what I have experiencing, surroundings, natures and journeys.

11. Do you paint from a technical point of view or is it based on emotions?
Abstract painting is freedom of mind and movement’s technical is totally out. Please feel my paintings and you will get your answers..

12. What steps do you take in starting a painting?
I simply stand in front of the canvas in which was placed on a flat surface to stabilize the gravity during painting for awhile and after several minutes the image and colours start to come into my mind. I mix up some paint and begin, without preconceived notions of what strokes, forms, shapes, and so on to use. Meaning, the painting creates itself.
For me, painting needs to be free, expressive, unlimited. In other words, just paint! People said no pain, no gain but I say I paint, I gain.

13. Do you prefer painting in colours or black and white?
You mean achromatic and non-achromatic? Emm both. I seem to go through phases where most of the work is mainly with chroma and full hue. Meaning, I use profusion of colours.

14. Do you paint on canvas or masonite, etc.?
Both. I paint on stretched canvas and also few on masonite too. My paintings, with very few exceptions, are horizontal rather than vertical.

15. How has Pollock inspired your paintings? What references from him do you put in your work?
Jason? He inspired me by his willingness to go beyond whatever the art forms had been previously, to try new techniques and approaches, and yet be authentic and real, expressing whatever feelings and thoughts that were moving through them. His influences do not directly affect my work in terms of content.

16. Have you found it difficult to sell your work?
At a certain degree, Yes. Especially here in Malaysia it is easier to sell a Ferrari than a painting but it is catching up gradually.

17. What challenges have you faced in the art world as well as the business world?
Sad to say, that most of them prefer to have an imitation ones rather than the original ones then act like as if we didn't noticed about it.
As for selling you need to know your target market.

18. Is creating art the only career choice you've had or is it more of a diversion from a more tasking career?
Art is not a job or hobby, it's my passion. I have created a lifestyle that supports my creative pursuits, both painting and event management. I work on my own as an event manager, set my own schedule and my own hours.

20. What advice do you have for an up and coming artist?
Art is art and art are also business. Art are feelings for your inner desire.

21. What hardships have you faced being a professional artist?
Hardship? There is No hardship at all. 

22. At what time do you prefer or normally paint?
At any time I wish. No time is set. It is totally depending on my moods.
23. Who inspired you?
Most abstract artists from the east and west.
24.How do you establish the standards of your paintings?
I do not establish standards on my works. The viewers are free to come up with their own interpretation.

25. They brand you as an international painter, are you?
I have no idea about it. I was in Manhattan since 2006 until recently and that was my last winter season over there. 

26. Welcome home! Why were you back here in Malaysia?
With my exposure and experiences, I believe I have something greater to contribute and share besides I miss almost everything over here and now I am glad that I am back here again. I am home, home of possibilities and green grasses.
27. Tell me more about NYC.
Appreciative.They want us to be like ourselves. Our Identity and our artworks come together. That's New York,my book "The Amazing Rojak In Manhattan" helps me with the promotions and sales. The sale begins when they asked me what is ROJAK. :) 
This book has been circulated for references in most of the local colleges and Universities in the US. Those who possessed my painting will get this book without any additional cost. 

 28. In one of your paintings entitled "Bittersweet Memorise" what feelings are you trying to express, and how does a painting such expressive works make you feel?
It's about my life and journeys. The process of creating it was full of memories and nostalgia.
29. Do you feel that your artwork has a place here in Malaysia
Certainly. Not only in Malaysia but everywhere in this world especially in Manhattan.

30. Comparing your work is as good or better than in most of the galleries here in Asia particularly Malaysia I have seen so far. Why do you think there is so much bad art out there or is all art good art or is it a matter of taste?
Thanks for your feedback! Much appreciated!! I take that as a compliment.
In Abstract paintings, there is no right or wrong, good or bad. Each and every completed abstract artwork was rated as perfect ten.

Al right! Thank You so much Mr Zeb Khalid, you made my day.

My pleasure and thank you, to you too.