. ****** The Amazing Painting By Zeb Khalid ******

B i o g r a p h y

Zeb Khalid, born in Southern Gate of Malaysia, is an abstract painter that paints with energy, emotion and color and he refuses to conform to standard art rules.  He incorporates high energy, fluidity, growth and life.  He changes his environment and uses the materials around him to create his art in the moment.  Using  acrylics each painting is original and inspired by the energy of the moment and each piece has a story.

His art is mostly created using unconventional brushes.  He will occasionally use brushes or knife  but prefers to push the edge of painting by using an endless variation of objects and materials.  He continues to push the boundaries of abstract art just as those who influenced him.  

Zeb Khalid  is inspired by the lives and art of abstract artist from east and west.  H has worked with some brilliant creative minds in the art world. While living in other part of the world especially in Manhattan, New York his first rule is to create an opportunity for himself to survive and compete with other established and champion in the art world. He has been painting since 1989 by opportunity given. 
Zeb Khalid  states “I am here to create art.  I am here to touch others with art.  I am thankful to be here and I paint with passion.  The energy that flows throughout my body is put into my body of artwork.  I am always striving to capture the feeling, depth and flow of the moment.  My desire is for a person to relax and let their mind wander and refresh as they look at the artwork.  Life is precious. I paint for your gratification and please enjoy it while you have the opportunity."

Zeb Khalid’s art has been sought after for private collections and has a client base in France, UK, Japan, Australia, UAE, United States and other part of the world.

To Zeb Khalid, art represents much more than just painting on canvas.  Art is a lifestyle — an experience that transcends the everyday and raises expectations.  Zeb Khalid’s art represents quality, and luxury the world over.  Knowing this, Zeb Khalid’s commitment  to excellence in quality, color and composition has made a natural pursuit of advancing the areas of abstraction, self expression, pure creativity and of course, expanding the art of painting. His amazing ability, skill and techniques allow the art to endure the test of time.©              

 Zeb Khalid
A Malaysia prolific abstract Artist
 Self -sustaining in art world since 1989.
  Was based in New York from 2006 until recently
 His amazing paintings were in numerous
 private and corporate collections 
across Asia and Worldwide.
Born 1955


W e l o e  to 
Zeb Khalid Gallery

The Zeb Khalid Gallery, displaying more than 800 fabulous masterpieces of  high value and world class collections of abstract paintings. 
By innovative and creative Malaysian New York based artist  Z e b  K h a l i d

My Malaysia




 Springs Love In Manhattan

Green Valley Melody

P u r p l e  W a v e

Angeli Dione Gomez 
Miss Tourism International 2013/14

For this year award
Zeb Khalid 
under category of abstract painting
 has been nominated as one of the nominee for  
the American Art Awards 2014.
The top best nominees and winners will be judged by  
25 prestigious art galleries in USA.

Arts Kuala Lumpur – Melbourne: 
Discover Malaysia Art will be showcasing art works 
by some of Malaysia’s renowned pioneer and contemporary artists.

From 11 to 18 November 2013, 
Australian art lovers, collectors and the public will have
 the privilege of personally getting acquainted with Malaysian art
 at a special exhibition that will take place in Melbourne.

An initiative by Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE)
 to promote Malaysian contemporary art in the land down under, 
Discover Malaysia Art showcases art works of  Zeb Khalid and other distinguished artists, 
ranging from Malaysian pioneer artists since the Independence 
to the young contemporaries of modern Malaysia.


Another! Great and amazing Abstract Khat Painting by Zeb Khalid
(Abstract Calligraphy)

A Journey and Destinations 

Blue Diamond

What A Great Painting

Autumn M y s t e r y  


Welcome !
Art Basel Week in Miami, Florida (USA)
An art exhibit event that showcase amazing artworks of 
Zeb Khalid 
and other distinguished and established Malaysian artists.

Symphony No 5


Hidden Love
(Displayed In Miami Florida USA)

 Somewhere On Earth
I'm a largely self-taught and total command of my paintings.  
Originally from southern gate of Malaysia called Johor Bahru city.
C h a m p i o n
School Rugby Team 1968
( Standing from left or right no 6 )

Live and Life

Peak of Highest Mountain in South East Asia 1979 ,0630am

Amazing Love Voices

Basically,I paint according to my moods.
Sometimes they're consequential,other times they're not.
Abstract painting allows me that freedom.It's enigmatic.

The Twin Towers In Kuala Lumpur

Roses Flyin' High


An Adorable Summer Night 

Some of my paintings are just colorful diversions from reality,
others have greater significance.

Venice Italy

I do not establish standards on my paintings.
the viewer are free to value it and come up with their own interpretation.

Resident in New York since 2006 

Near Heaven

I have not been painting seriously for few years,
but I've been lucky most of my painting were sold.
I can't be sure why my paintings sell,but I'm please they do.
Perhaps my paintings is the in thing or maybe it was due to 
my heterogeneous styling or mine were affordable 
and yet portrayed high value.
I haven't really analysed it or just let it be.

My Kuala Lumpur

Bye Bye

Golden Year

All I know is that creating  paintings elates me.
Hopefully and Insya'Allah health is with me
and have enough energy and ideas to keep me painting for years ahead.

Displays full-color 
hundreds of high resolution images of abstract paintings
Zeb Khalid

These fabulous hard cover books
have been circulated for references 
in most of the local colleges and universities in the USA.
US$99.99 each. 

Book Titles
1. The Magical Eastern Rainbow In New York City. 
2. The Expressionistic of  Butterfly Splashes. 
3. The Amazing ROJAK In Manhattan. 
4. Simponi Conteng Di Putrajaya
      ( will be published by this winter)

My paintings are purely abstract.
Meaning,it was not based on anything that exists in nature.
It is not meant to "look like" anything.
It is meant to be appreciated simply for what it is...
An image comprised of colorful patterns,organic and intricate designs.
You may email me if you needed more clarification.

 The  Zassociate Galleries in New York City

The ZK

Thank you for visiting my site


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