********Zeb Khalid, A Spontaneous Abtractism Artist *******


N e w  Y o r k


P u t r a j a y a

Eastern Tango

End Of Silence 


Money From Heaven

Autumn In Putrajaya

"I create paintings for the world to enjoy it
for those who appreciate the finer things in life"

Art is my passion.
I feel blessed to be able to pursue this dream of creating abstract arts 
that can be appreciated by you, the art lover.
My desire is to share the beauty and joy 
that I have experienced during the creation of each piece with the world. 

Johore Bahru,southern gate of Malaysia is where I was born. 
The symphony city of my birth is just 5 miles away from Singapore Island.
Being an abstract artist is a great adventure.
I love to paint,experiment and explore in different rhythms
 because each offers a unique masterpiece. 

I am a fully self-taught artist and a perpetual learner and explorer.
I learned to paint by my own discovered way and style.
Self-expression and freedom is very important to me.

My approach to art is intuitive, spontaneous,curious and fearless.
I paint whatever passes through my mind without any other consideration
I often break rules and don't confine myself in any type or technique.
If I were to restrict myself to any one type,subject or technique 
I would exterminate and  obliterate  the creative heat that motivate me.

I apply colors like words that shape poems like notes that shape music.
To me art is adventure that never seem to end.


The ZK
Established Since 1989

Zeb Khalid said  
that he never imagined his paintings would be on display
 in the prestigious art house all over places, 
but he wasn't afraid of a few jabs from critics.
He added, art makes the world wonderful.
Autumn's Aura

Keriangan Merpati Putih

Zeb Khalid reminds us that 
what is important as an artist 
the journey rather than the destination.

"If my paintings  is a challenge for somebody, let it be so."

Autumn In Sarajevo

"Art takes me to places I have never imagine I would go 
and meet people I have never imagine I would encounter"

Dancing In The Garden

My extensive travels around the world serve me as inspiration for my artworks.

Adelaide Calcutta New York London Paris Tokyo Los Angeles Dubai Warsaw
Vancouver Cape Town Boenus Aires Melbourne Madrid Rotterdam Amsterdam Sydney Rome Frankfurt San Francisco Helsinki New Delhi Mumbai Karachi  Cairo Shanghai Johannesburg Mexico City Istanbul Bali Surabaya Brunei Vienna Medan 
Manila  Sri Lanka  Perth  Auckland  Darwin Guam  Honolulu  San Antonio Born
Greensboro Alexandria Bangkok Hong kong  Dallas Beirut  Zurich Beijing Newark
Manchester Fukuoka Male Chiang Mai Taipei  Jeddah Anchorage Osaka Seoul Salzburg Vatican City Brussels  Brisbane Madrid Sharjah Mecca Narita O'Hare Bihac Manila Cambridge Doha Tehran Venice Zagreb  Sarajevo Budva  Singapore Skopje Sofia ankara  Cappadocia  Pamukkale  Kudasari Keyseri Bolu Busar Mostar Travnik  Mumbai New Jersey  Milan Kansai Santa Monica Manhattan Santa Barbara Long Beach  Manchester  Torrance Kowloon San Pedro Shanghai Islamabab Kotor Colombo  Sharjah Maldives Stratfort-Upon-Avon  Narita Chiba Nagoya Bohaizhen Laie Waikiki Ala Moana


"my paintings are colors of poems"
Zeb Khalid
Millennium Hilton, New York City (Ground Zero)

Hi there,

Best wishes wherever you may be,

I will be going home to Malaysia this winter.

Here,I would like to take the opportunity to record 
my utmost gratitude to all my associates here in the state and in other part of the world,for the guidance,putting your faith and fidelity with my art abilities.Honestly,it has been a pleasure and experiences that will not soon be forgotten.

My utmost appreciation to friends who have been sharing my journey and have been part of my life these past few years especially here in Manhattan,Brooklyn and New Jersey thank you for your companionship and making me feel at home.

To all the well wishers,on this blog ( virtual gallery) thanks for all the kind of words and encouragements.Your valuable comments if not madness have always put a smile on my face and I appreciate every single one of them even though I may not have replied to all.

I do hope that some, if not all of you  will be kind enough to continues with your aspirations comments.

In God we trust, I love you forever and remember past is history future is mystery and present is possibility. 
     Hugs & Kisses
Art Is Like Magic
Abstract Art Is Like A Great Music

What is the title of this painting?
Answer: Sorry! no idea yet.

Zeb Khalid by Caricature Padi Razak

"There appears to be an endless appetite or high-end abstract paintings"

9 May 2012

Summer Garden In Putrajaya


Wow! Beyond Excellence
National Art Gallery Malaysia

Stormy Love

I am not  a writer I  am an artist. 
It's difficult to write about my own work,
but what I can say is that it is one of the greatest joys of my life.

I'm an abstract artist who is driven to paint.
I not only enjoy it, but feel it is something I have to do during an opportunity given.

I'm compelled to paint and long for it when I'm not able to do it.
For me it has been a kind of calling that I feel is of great importance to my life.
I feel at home with art equipments  in my hand
and feel a great sense of achievement at the completion of every painting.

I paint in order to express and say things that would not exist if I did not put them on a canvas.
Much of my art is about self expression as much as it is about the aesthetic;
therefore, I never set out to paint for anyone but myself and love to share it with the world.

I paint what I'm driven to paint,
feelings and subjects which I personally find somehow interesting.
If others find something in my work they are able to connect with and find appealing,
I'm honoured and feel like it's an additional gift to something I've already accomplished.

I'm continually experimenting with style and technique.
I aim to create paintings that are somehow different than anything that has been created before. 
I'm not satisfied with simply painting
what I see or what the world might expect to see in the visual.
For me it must be visually unique from anything I've ever seen created,
whether it is by color selection or by technical application.
I mean to incorporate narrative, emotion or movement in my paintings.
I'm captivated by color and find it important in my paintings.

I often find imperfections in my paintings to be appealing,
things that are oddly different that seem to transcend the painting,
therefore I often purposely do not aim for perfection,
but instead choose an intuitive process rather than a technical one.

I'm not bound to one style or subject but allow myself to explore all aspects of the field of art.
I'm inspired by art from all time periods and a vast range of styles.
I attempt to allow them to find their way into my work
while at the same time make an effort
to create something that is unconventional and modern.
My ambition as an artist is only to continue painting insya'Allah throughout my lifetime.

To create work that is also somehow interesting
and pleasing to others is a valuable resource that propels my work further.

I continually self study and endeavor to improve and evolve my techniques.
 I paint primarily for my own satisfaction and understanding,

I've never looked to comply with any standards of time or technique 
but allow myself to grow and evolve as an artist in my own way at my own pace,
 Yes I want freedom!

I feel it is an important freedom in contemporary art 
that allows me to evolve into an artist that only I can be, 
to express what only I can express apart from all other artists.

I look to compose paintings that are meaningful and with each new one,
develop new and original ways to create and express art.


Abstract art appeals to my emotions and connects with me on a deep level. Creative piece stimulate, create intense feelings, nurture my  curiosity, and boost my creativity with my magnificent artworks.

Heaven On Earth

Do you know how difficult it is to express my internal landscape. 
In fact, words alone are not in the least sufficient to express what l feel deep inside. Even more so, language simply cannot describe the colorful and vivid ideas and mental images l have in my mind.

Islamic Art Exhibition
(Islamic Abstract Artworks)
Zeb Khalid


My inspiring pieces of art encourage me to strive for greatness.

As a creative being and contemporary Islamic abstract artist for the past 25 years,
 I’m strongly influenced by abstract art. 
I am always seeking to delve within my unconscious self,
 for inspirational energy. 
My work is therefore not from any preconception or sketch, 
rather me letting my unconscious mind take me down 
whichever trail it chooses to blaze.
Through experimenting with new materials, paints and techniques, 
I seek to explore new ideas and concepts in order to broaden my artistic vision 
and challenge my creative boundaries and to facilitate
 the viewer in forming their own perception 
without being influenced by my perspective.

The beauty of an artwork is closely linked to its ability 
to stimulate emotions within us.

Artist Collection
I’ve always had great passion to constantly challenge myself 
believing art to be a powerful medium which has no boundaries 
and can potentially touch people from all walks of life.
Reluctantly, I seek for my work to be accessible to all 
and for it to invite every observer
 into a world of speculation drawing them closer 
for a more detailed inspection. 

I love to experience feedback about
 how people respond according to their own sensibilities
 and experiences and to see my work through their minds eye, 
with their conclusions often differing 
which makes it a fascinating learning experience for me.

Art is quite intimate. After all, it is my expression of my innermost landscape, my very intimate perspective of the world, and how l experience reality. As such, l share with you a part of my personality that would normally be hidden deep inside.

National Art Gallery Kuala Lumpur

Art has become the vehicle that allows me to express that which cannot be put to words. And it is surprisingly effective at doing precisely that.

Opening Rainbow Of  Hope




Malaysia Book Of Records

Zeb Khalid YouTube

 Please click to watch

(I Still Believe)

(Auction in action)

National Visual Art Gallery Kuala Lumpur

Amazing Artworks By Zeb Khalid

Finalists Announced for the 2015 Absolut Art Award
Absolut is delighted to announce the finalists for the 2015 Absolut Art Award. Led by Jury President Massimiliano Gioni, Artistic Director at the New Museum in New York and at the Fondazione Nicola Trussardi in Milan, the 2015 Jury selected a shortlist of six artists and five art writers in the ‘Art Work’ and ‘Art Writing’ categories respectively.

Each of the finalists will prepare a proposal for a new art work, project or piece of art writing, unencumbered by commercial constraints, for deliberation by the highly distinguished international Jury. The winning artist and writer will be announced on 8 May during the Vernissage of La Biennale di Venezia - 56th International Art Exhibition, and an award ceremony will take place in September 2015 in Stockholm, Sweden.
2015 Absolut Art Award finalists
Art Work
Trisha Donnelly USA
Ragnar Kjartansson Iceland
Zeb Khalid Malaysia
Minouk Lim Korea
Frances Stark USA
Camille Henrot France / USA